Thursday, September 01, 2005


Well I had or was to have an interview Monday, but the manager cancelled it. Haven't heard from him yet. If that wasn't enough I had trouble with my internet connection AGAIN for like the 4 time in a month 1/2. I personally have had enough of Florida and I'm ready to come home to all my friends and pick up where we left off. Don't get me wrong it is beautiful down here and the nights are like no other, but a person can only take so much BS. I think Lisa is tired of the school she is working for also. She has to share a room with 3 other teachers. Plus Sanford is the lowest paid district in mid Florida. So I think we are going to move back semi close to home.
maybe southern Illinois, or St. Louis. Has to be somewhere big. Well I'm off to go drive around different towns near by and see what I can find for work.


At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need a pickmeup...I guess now is not the time to say "I told yah so" but you will get over the hump if you just hang in there a bit. Afterall you only have 10 months left of your year away so it is something to look forward too. I am afraid it will be the same everywhere you go. Unless it is close. Well take are and see you later...mabye sooner that later...but still later.


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